Lead Pastor
Scott Valley Berean Church (Etna, CA) Lead Pastor
Scott Valley Berean Church (https://scottvalleyberean.org) is searching for our next Lead Pastor. Scott Valley is a small, rural, agricultural community located 25 miles west of the county seat of Yreka. The scenery is awesome, and opportunities for outdoor activities abound. Ranching and forestry are major parts of our economy.
Our congregation comes from all over the Scott Valley, which has a total population of about 6,000 people. We are averaging about 180 people in our Sunday morning service. We currently have a staff consisting of a part-time youth pastor, children’s ministry director, secretary and several other part time positions. We have volunteer worship leaders and teachers, as well as many other voluntary ministry leaders. We are debt-free, with two excellent buildings that house our congregation along with a large gym. We are members of the Berean Fellowship of Churches, a Bible-based fellowship with headquarters in Nebraska. There are five Berean churches in our ‘region’, with three of those in Siskiyou County.
Please visit our Fellowship website at weareberean.org for more information and our doctrinal statement.
The Candidate
We desire a lead pastor that will guide and equip the congregation to fulfill God’s purpose for our church by proclaiming the Word of God, discipling believers, and equipping us to win the lost.
- Supports the policy of an Elder led church, meaning that the authority is shared by all the elders but the responsibility of primary leadership is carried by the lead Pastor.
- Has a vision for the church that is consistent with Scripture.
- Has a love for teaching the word of God in an expository fashion.
- Has a shepherd’s heart for people. Committed to, and caring for the people in this church and community.
- Believes that the primary purpose of the church is as described in Ephesians 4:12&13.
- Meets the requirements for an Elder as listed in Titus 1:6-9 &
I Timothy 3:3-7.
Seminary training or equivalent
Leadership experience in church and/or parachurch ministries.
Responsible to
The Lord, the Elders, and the Church
Specific Responsibilities
Personal Accountability – Organize a weekly schedule of time management that balances his responsibilities. Work with staff and volunteers to start and grow ministries in the church that Glorifies Christ and meets needs in the church and community.
Services – Oversee the weekly worship services. Work with others to organize and develop an encouraging time of worship, praise, teaching, prayer and sharing. Present a balanced presentation from the Word of God to promote spiritual growth and unity in the Church.
Counseling – Provide counseling, prayer and compassion for people as needed. Develop a competent team of people within the church to help with this ministry.
Visitation – Visit those in need. Pray with, encourage, and communicate the ministry of this church. Develop a team of people committed to helping and caring for people in this community.
Leadership – Work with the Elders to develop “Vision” and “Goals” for the ministries of this church. Work with the volunteer ministry leaders to encourage, support and grow the many ministries of the church.
The Pastor, together with the Elders, will be planning for the future, establishing agendas, developing action plans, and following plans through to completion.
The Pastor will be mentoring and discipling men and women in the church into leadership positions.
Staff – General oversight of all paid staff. Work with staff to help them develop efficient and effective leadership in their areas. Schedule regular staff meetings to encourage and support their efforts, and direct them into development opportunities.
The Compensation
The Compensation range would be $65-80,000 per year, Health Insurance, a progressive PTO package, and a Pastoral Allowance.
The Process
Please look over this job description and the church website. Along with your resume please answer these questions:
Why do you believe that you might be a good fit as the Senior Pastor at Scott Valley Berean Church?
Describe your experiences in ministry and how you may be qualified to serve as the Senior Pastor of Scott Valley Berean Church?
In just a few sentences please give a summary of your theology and how that is in line with the doctrine of Scott Valley Berean Church?
Please send your resume, the answers to these questions and a link to at least one online sermon to Jason@No-FeePastorSearch.com